Categories: Short News

The Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC) 2022 begins

The Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC) began on 5 October and festival-goers are being treated to more than a hundred short films from over thirty countries at the Cinémathèque québécoise, the Cinéma Moderne and the Agora du Cœur des sciences de l’UQÀM. Spectators are also having access to a number of special events that honor local filmmakers.

Below is the short film program of the 51st edition of the Festival du nouveau cinéma, running from 5 to 16 October 2022.

International Competition

Worth Your Weight in Gold by Sandro Aguilar (Portugal)

Le thé et le temps by Salah El Amri (Switzerland)

Will My Parents Come to See Me by Mo Harawe (Germany/Austria/Somalia)

Insieme Insieme by Bernardo Zanotta (France, Netherlands)

Sur le trône de Xerxès by Evi Kalogiropoulou (Greece)

Poitiers by Jérôme Reybaud (France)

Datsun by Mark Albiston (New Zealand)

I am Good at Karate by Jess Dadds (United Kingdom)

Airhostess-737 by Thanasis Neofotistos (Greece)

Cherries by Vytautas Katkus (Lithuania)

Everything at Once by Henrik Dyb Zwart (Norway)

Big Bang by Carlos Segundo (France/Brazil)

Anabase by Benjamin Goubet (Switzerland)

Raie Manta by Anton Bialas (France)

Il faut regarder le Feu ou brûler dedans by Caroline Poggi and Jonathan Vinel (France)

Twin Lakes Haven by Philbert Aimé Mbabazi Sharangabo (Rwanda)

Fence by Hilke Rönnfeldt (Denmark)

Haulout by Evgenia Arbugaeva and Maxim Arbugaev (United Kingdom/Russia)

Le feu au lac by Pierre Menahem (France)

Trap by Anastasia Veber (Russie/Lithuania)

The International Competition Jury is made up of director and Grand Prix winner in 2021 Colin Nixon, actress and director Larissa Corriveau and general and artistic director, choreographer and performer at MAYDAY DANSE, Mélanie Demers.

National Competition (presented by the Canadian Media Fund)

Lay Me by The Shore by David Findlay

Danny Greenwood T Laid by Guillaume Laurin

Notes sur la mémoire et l’oubli by Amélie Hardy

Late Summer by Ryan Steel

Simo by Aziz Zoromba

Au crépuscule by Miryam Charles

Most of the Time We Are Just Waiting by Molly Shears

Nid d’oiseau by Nadia Louis-Desmarchais

III by Salomé Villeneuve

Rocket Fuel by Jessie Posthumus

Oasis by Justine Martin

Pas de fantôme à la morgue by Marilyn Cooke

Pleasure Garden by Rita Ferrando

Dhulpa by Kunsang Kyirong

Nanitic by Carol Nguyen

Programme d’utilisation des patients standardisés by Yan Giroux

Petites Morts by Terence Chotard

Le long du verger (Down the Orchard) by William Hayes-Dulude

It’s What Each Person Needs by Sophy Romvari

Scaring Women at Night by Karimah Zakia Issa

À la vie à L’amor by Emilie Mannering

La Théorie Lauzon by Marie-Josée Saint-Pierre

Ditch by Nellie Carrier

Nuit blonde by Gabrielle Demers

Mother’s Skin by Leah Johnston

Invincible by Vincent René-Lortie

The National Competition Jury is made up of the artistic director of Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg Maike Mia Höhne, the artistic director of Curtas – Vila do Conde Miguel Dias and Céline Roustan, programmer at SXSW and Short of the Week, and director of distribution at Films Grand Huit.

Les nouveaux alchimistes Competition

Credit the Spiral by María Silvia Esteve

Dans les cieux et sur la terre by Erin Weisgerber (Québec, Canada)

Against Reality by Olivia Peace (USA)

A Body Is a Body Is a Body by Cat & Éiméar McClay (United Kingdom)

Lake of Fire by Art Collective NEOZOON (Germany)

Bye Bye Now by Louise Bourque (Canada, Québec)

Under the Microscope by Michaela Grill and Sophie Trudeau (Austria/Canada)

Songs For Living by Korakrit Arunanondchai and Alex Gvojic (USA/Thailand)

Very, Very Tremendously by Guangli Liu (France/China)

Lockdown Dreamscape by Nicolas Gebbe (Germany)

Backflip by Nikita Diakur (Germany/France)

Happy New Year, Jim by Andrea Gatopoulos (Greece)

Arrest in Flight by Adrian Flury (Switzerland)

Hardly Working byTotal Refusal (Austria)

Tomorrow Is a Water Palace by Juanita Onzaga (Colombia, Belgium, Mexico, Italy)

All My Scars Vanish in the Wind by Angélica Restrepo, Carlos Velandia (Colombia)

Message of an Endless Story by Tiago Minamisawa and Barcabogante (Brazil)

I Thought the World of You by Kurt Walker (Canada, British Columbia)

The Sower of Stars by Lois Patiño (Spain)

The Spiral by María Silvia Esteve (Argentina)

It’s Raining Frogs Outside by Maria Estela Paiso (Phillipines)

Rien ne sera plus comme avant by Elina Löwensohn (France)

Sometimes I Don’t Know Where the Sun by Samantha Aquilino (Switzerland)

Fenix by Olivia Lathuillière (Canada, Québec)

Tongue by Kaho Yoshida (Canada, Japan)

Les dieux du supermarché by Alberto Gonzalez Morales (Switzerland)

Sirens by Ilaria Di Carlo (Germany)

Municipal Relaxation Module by Matthew Rankin (Canada, Québec)

Under the Lake by Thanasis Trouboukis (Greece / Finland)

Horizons by Charlie Marois (Canada)

Par vents et marées by Bodgan Anifrani-Fedach (Canada, Québec)

Instant Life by Anja Dornieden, Juan David González Monroy and Andrew Kim (Germany)

The nouveaux alchimistes Competition Jury is made up of film critics Mathieu Bédard, Orian Dorais and Justine Smith.

Moreover, the Rencontres pancanadiennes du cinéma étudiant (RPCÉ) are back this year. Presented by Netflix, in collaboration with L’inis, the RPCÉ presents 30 films in competition for its 9th edition. Like every year, an international school is invited to present its selectio. This year, the program is paired with the Institut des Arts de Diffusion of Belgium. At the same time, the FNC Campus will honor the School of Digital Arts, Animation and Design (NAD) with a retrospective exhibition, a testament to the eclecticism and excellence of its students’ work. The RPCÉ are competitive; this year, the jury in charge of awarding the Grand Prize presented by Netflix and the Jeune Loup Prize to college students presented by Sony – Royal Photo, is composed of Michel Wouters, Assistant Director of the Institute for Broadcasting Arts, Canadian director and screenwriter Philippe Grégoire and Justine Baillargeon, Director of Distribution at H264 Distribution.

RPCÉ Competition

Homesick by Alexandre Thériault de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Québec)

On n’existe plus by Louca Lefebvre, Rose Robert et Maïcha Lazo-Mackay from Sainte-Foy Cégep (Québec)

Nunavut: Changing Times by Timothy Harrison from Wilfrid Laurier University (Ontario)

Sonata d’une confinée by Bruno Savard from Trebas Institute (Québec)

Avant de repartir, repeins ma joue by Casandra G. Minisini and Marilou Labbé from Lionel-Groulx College (Québec)

Kaléidoscope by Carol-ann Champagne, Oussama Fetoui, Arnaud Würm-Muñoz, Lucie Humbert, Pierre Desbois and Thomas Faso from ESMA Montreal (Québec)

Le Chameau by Emma Jacquerez from École des métiers du cinéma et de la vidéo (Québec)

Nimbe by Lili Francke-Robitaille Jean-de-Brébeuf College (Québec)

Pour t’enlacer by Alicia Tremblay from Université du Québec à Montréal (Québec)

Crème maman by Juliette Maurice from Grasset Institut (Québec)

Gadoue by Charlie Côté from Champlain College (Québec)

Mamie et grand-popâ by Émilie Lapierre Saint-Félicien Cégep (Québec)

Problèmes de synchronisation by Charles Gourde-Talbot from Montreal University (Québec)

Unwanted Photons by Kasia Beloussov from Toronto University (Ontario)

Mange-moi by Maël Zaïd and Océane Richer from Saint-Hyacinthe Cégep (Québec)

Canto VI by Emil Vargas from Emily Carr University of Arts + Design (British-Columbia)

Jardin d’ombres by Nicolas Roy, Aurélie Galibois, Éliot Ducharme, Frédéric Blanchard and Philippe Carrier from Laval University – Baccalauréat en en art et science de l’animation (Québec)

Going Back to Meet the World by Santi Henderson from Simon Fraser University (British-Columbia)

Il n’y avait rien by Alexandre Lavigne from L’inis (Québec)

Volitantes by Matt Gillott from Alberta University of the Arts (Alberta)

We Are Not Speaking the Same Language by Danika St-Laurent from Wapikoni Mobile (Québec)

Mathieu by Victoria Lévesque, Justine Michaud and Annabelle Jacques from André-Laurendeau Cégep (Québec)

Dirty by Farah Moreau from Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (Nouvelle-Écosse)

Bedroom People by Vivien Forsans from Concordia University (Québec)

Après aujourd’hui by Rosalie Saint-Laurent from Laval University – Baccalauréat en cinéma et culture numérique (Québec)

Kung Flop by Yuri Lacombe from O’Sullivan College (Québec)

Uncovering by A.P. Bergeron from Bishop’s University (Québec)

Project Paradise by Aida Solorzano from Pivaut School Montréal (Québec)

La mort des amantes by Élisabeth Groulx from Saint-Laurent Cégep (Québec)

Animal by Félix-Olivier Fiset from Québec University in Abitibi-Témiscamingue (Québec)

Program IAD x RPCÉ

La prova by Toni Isabella Valenzi from L’Institut des Arts de Diffusion (Belgium)

Casse couille by Philémon Antoine from L’Institut des Arts de Diffusion (Belgique)

Maman fait dodo by Solenn Crozon from L’Institut des Arts de Diffusion (Belgique)

Program L’inis x RPCÉ

Cinq octobre by Lili Labelle from L’inis (Québec)

Paradoxe by Aimé Majeau-Beauchamp from L’inis (Québec)

L’atelier by Namaï Kham Po from L’inis (Québec)

Esquisse by Namaï Kham Po from L’inis (Québec)

Le bonheur est comme du sable by Gaëlle Azam from L’inis (Québec)

Il n’y avait rien by Alexandre Lavigne from L’inis (Québec)

Tara Karajica

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