Short Film

Venice 2013. Review of “Kush” by Shubhashish Bhutiani

Shubhashish Bhutiani’s short film, "Kush", is India’s only entry at this year’s Biennale di Venezia. Taking place on 31 October…

8 years ago

Short Report: Belgrade Documentary and Short Film Festival 2013: Resetting the Clock for Serbian Cinema

Chroniclers will write that in 2013 film reels were discontinued but the art of film has not lost its magic…

8 years ago

Diagonale 2014. Short Talk with Clarissa Thieme

Tara Karajica sat down with Clarissa Thieme at the Diagonale Film Festival in Graz, Austria, and talked to her about…

8 years ago

Berlinale 2014. Short Talk with Nadine Poulain

Tara Karajica talked to Nadine Poulain at the Berlinale about her short film "Sky Lines", experimental cinema, her work and…

8 years ago

Belgrado 2013. Short Talk con Iosu López

En el marco de la 60 edición del Festival de Documentales y Cortometrajes de Belgrado, hemos tenido la oportunidad de…

8 years ago